A sword cane is a wonderfully crafted tool and weapon used for many different purposes these days. I carry this beautiful tool for many reasons on a daily basis such as self-defense, walking, and camping, etc.
It is one of the most advantageous tools and accessories in 2020. It offers a lot of advantages to the users. I have been using it for many years. In fact, it has become my essential carry on a routine basis, thanks to the many uses I can make of it. Following are the five reasons why I carry a sword cane on a daily basis:
1. Self Defense
The sword cane is my self-defense weapon. I can use two weapons to save myself from the attackers. First of all, I have a wooden cane that I can use to beat the attackers. Then, I have the blade to injure the attackers to survive.
2. Walking
Since I have learned the benefits of walking with a cane, I have been using this cane for walking. Now I can comfortably walk for longer distances. This is improving my stamina and improving posture and balance. In fact, it has been providing me a lot of health benefits.
3. Hiking
With a sword cane, hiking has no longer been a problem for me. I live in the mountains and I have to hike very often. This cane works for me as a hiking stick and makes it easier for me to hike through the hills.
4. Cutting Work
Remember, it is not just a wooden cane, there is a sword concealed inside it. I can use that sword for cutting work. I can cut some heavier items with the sharp blade. For instance, I can cut grass and branches and cut ropes and wires or similar things often needed to cut.
5. Camping
My sword cane helps me a lot during camping. I can use it for walking and hiking through the rocky landscapes. Also, I can use it for cutting work and building shelter after clearing brush. Similarly, I can use the sword for hunting and food preparation!